Metal AM in 2023 Survey

How do we expand production in Metal Additive Manufacturing


Download the full survey here for a complete look at the metal AM market from the perspective of the market itself.

Our survey, drawn from a diverse global respondent pool spanning industries, roles, and geographies, provides valuable insights into the current user base. Notably, North America’s strong representation aligns with its dominance in the 3D printing space. Moreover, responses from executive-level decision makers, the predominant user group, enhance the credibility of our findings, offering a representative perspective on the evaluation of 3D printing, particularly in metals.

See what metal AM professionals had to say about the push for metal AM into mainstream production. Where are we now? What’s impeding progress? What are the leading purchasing decisions for metal materials? How important is material performance? How about sustainability?

As metal additive technology moves into the mainstream, the pressure to qualify parts, optimize the production process, secure the supply chain, and manage sustainability are front-of-mind for the industries represented in this survey.

Register now and make use of the complete survey.

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