Additive Manufacturing in Military and Defense 2024
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Table of Contents
Chapter One: The USA is Rebuilding Its Industrial Base and Additive Manufacturing Stands to Gain
1.1 Re-Building the Industrial Base is a Strategic Priority for the U.S. Government
1.2 The U.S. Government is Bolstering the AM Industry Amidst Economic Uncertainty
1.3 AM Plays an Important Role in the Execution of the U.S. Government’s Strategy
1.4 Symbiotic Relationship Between AM and the Federal Government
1.5 About this Report: Deep Dive into AM in the DoD
Chapter Two: Recap of The Evolution of AM Adoption within the DoD
2.1 The Evolution of AM Adoption within the DoD
2.2 Lessons Learned from the DoD’s Early Adoption of AM
Chapter Three: Strategic Developments in DoD AM Adoption
3.1 Strategic Directions and Policy Frameworks
3.2 Budget Allocations and Strategic Investments
3.3 Defense Sector (DoD and Defense Contractors) Spend on AM in the U.S.
3.3.1 Estimating AM Market Opportunities in the U.S. Defense Sector
3.3.2 Quantifying Specific Areas of Opportunity for AM Sub-Processes and Materials
3.3.3 Branches of Service Driving Various Opportunities in Services and Hardware
3.4 Implications for the AM Industry
Chapter Four: AM in the Department of the Navy
4.1 Department of the Navy: AM Strategy Recap
4.2 Navy’s AM Focus Areas: Onboard Deployments
4.3 Navy’s AM Focus Areas: AM in Submarines Production to Accelerate Timelines
4.4 Navy’s AM Focus Areas: Training & Research Centers to Disseminate Knowledge
4.5 Navy’s AM Focus Areas: Expeditionary AM in the Marine Corps
4.6 AM in the Navy: Additional Developments
Chapter Five: AM in the Department of the Air Force
5.1 Department of the Air Force: AM Strategy Recap
5.2 Air Force’s AM Focus Areas: AM for Rapid Sustainment and Logistics
5.3 Air Force’s AM Focus Areas: AM for Flight-Critical Parts
5.4 Air Force’s AM Focus Areas: Drones are a “Hot” Application for AM
5.5 Air Force’s AM Focus Areas: AM for Space Applications
5.6 AM in the Air Force: Additional Developments
Chapter Six: AM in the Department of the Army
6.1 Department of the Army: AM Strategy Recap
6.2 Army’s AM Focus Areas: AM for MRO and Fleet Modernization
6.3 Army’s AM Focus Areas: Large-Format Printing
6.4 Army’s AM Focus Areas: Construction 3D Printing
6.5 AM in the Army: Additional Developments
Chapter Seven: Recommendations for AM Vendors Seeking to Sell into the U.S. DoD
7.1 Selling to the DoD – A Complex yet Rewarding Path
7.2 Direct Entry vs. Partnering Approaches
7.3 Leveraging DoD Small Business Resources
7.4 Steps for AM Vendors to Enhance Contract Success
7.5 Positioning for Long-Term Success
Appendix: DoD Procurement Frameworks and Useful Links
A-1 DoD Procurement Frameworks Overview
A-2 Useful Links
About Additive Manufacturing Research
About the Analyst
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 1-1: U.S. Construction Spending 2018-2023
Exhibit 1-2: USA Small Business Administration’s Investment Matching Program
Exhibit 3-1: AM Defense Spending in U.S.
Exhibit 4-1: FMD’s 3D-Printed Valve Assembly
Exhibit 4-2: Additively Manufactured Small Motor Cases and Components For Tactical Missile Applications
Exhibit 5-1: Illustration of the First Metal 3D Printer to Board the International Space Station
Exhibit A-1: DoD Procurement Frameworks High-Level Overview
Exhibit A-2: SBIR Phase Overview
Exhibit A-3: SBIR Timeline
Exhibit A-4: Web Resources and Links
AM Research sees an $800M market for direct US DoD spend on 3DP/AM 2024, marking growth of 166% year over year. Strong growth is expected to maintain through the end of the decade, to a market for military/defense AM exceeding $2.6B in 2030.
This new report analyses and forecasts opportunities for 3D printing in the military and defense sectors that are larger and faster growing than described in the original (2023) report. Insights into the transformative role of AM within this critical sector are provided throughout the comprehensive market study, which sheds light on the rapid evolution and current and potential impact of AM technologies on the defense and military landscape.
The study’s findings hold significant implications for defense contractors, technology providers, investors and policymakers, indicating the need for proactive measures to harness the full potential of AM in addressing the ever-evolving national security landscape. Geopolitics have only gotten more tenuous in the thirteen months since the 2023 version of this report was published. Escalating and evolving global tension and security challenges position the 3DP/AM industry as crucial for defense and military entities to conceptualize, develop, and deploy critical assets and equipment.
“Additive Manufacturing in Military and Defense 2024” focuses on the United States’ military and defense initiatives to incorporate and leverage 3D printing into its operations. Analysis is provided based on expert and first-person interviews within the US Navy, US Air Force and Space Force, and the US Army, and offers recommendations for additive manufacturing vendors seeking to sell into the military and defense sector.
The report considers the United States Department of Defense budget and features an Excel-based market sizing and forecasting for all leading types of 3D printing, including Powder Bed Fusion, Directed Energy Deposition, Metal Binder Jetting and Bound Metal Deposition. The report considers revenues derived from hardware, materials and printing services for both the polymer and metal additive manufacturing markets.
Companies and organizations mentioned or profiled include but are not limited to: Department of Defense, AM Forward (ASTRO America), America Makes, BlueForge Alliance, 3YourMind, Hyliion, Ursa Major, Defense Innovation Unit, Concurrent Technologies, Lincoln Electric, Fairbanks Morse Defense, Pratt & Whitney, ADDMAN Group, 3D Systems, SPEE3D, Essentium, MELD Manufacturing, Authentise, Fortius Metals, AFWERX, RapidFlight, Rocket Lab, Airbus, Boeing, ExOne, Lithoz, Continuous Composites, Phillips Corporation, Eaton Corporation, and more.
AM Research’s reports are intended as key strategic inputs for all senior executives planning 3D printing product/market strategies and for investors who are looking to take equity positions in 3D printing firms.
AM Research also offers customized consulting, research, and due diligence analysis.