Opportunities For Additive Manufacturing In Personalized Surgery 2017 - Medical Modeling And Surgical Guides: An Opportunity Analysis And Ten-year Forecast
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Chapter One: Introduction to Personalized Surgery with 3D Printing
1.1 Segmentation of 3D Print Enabled Personal Surgery Market
1.1.1 Primary Healthcare Segments and Procedures Being Supported
1.2 Personalized Surgery Segments Carving Out Major Medical 3D Printing Opportunities
1.2.1 Dental Versus non-Dental Procedures in Personalized Surgery
1.2.2 Major Market Activity in Establishing Personalized Surgery with 3D Printing Major Hospitals and Healthcare Networks Incorporating In-House 3D Printing Significant Strides in Surgical Guide and Full-Solution Personal Surgery Print Services Industry Veterans Push to Move Anatomical Modeling with 3D Printing Forward in 2017
1.3 Print Technology and Material Evolution Supporting Medical Modeling and Surgical Guides
1.3.1 Availability of Capable Low-Cost Printers at All Time High Across Print Technology Segments
1.3.2 Adaptation of Derivative and Hybrid Print Processes for Easier Implementation
1.4 Market Shift Trend: Examining the Effects of 3D Printing Services in Primary Care Environments for Personalized Surgery
1.4.1 The Role of Radiology in 3D Printed Anatomical Modeling
1.4.2 Shifting Role of Service Providers in Personal Surgery
1.5 Market Observations, Outlook, and Growth Projections
Chapter Two: Examination of 3D Printing Technologies Supporting Personalized Surgery
2.1 Vat Photopolymerization Printing
2.1.1 Viability of Low-Cost Photopolymerization Systems in Personalized Surgery Applications
2.1.2 Relevant Material and Development Considerations
2.1.3 Summary of Photopolymerization Opportunities in Personalized Surgery
2.1.4 Relevant Players in Photopolymerization 3D Printing for Medical Applications 3D Systems EnvisionTEC Carbon
2.2 Material Extrusion Printing
2.2.1 Viability of Low-Cost Extrusion Systems in Personalized Surgery Applications
2.2.2 Relevant Material and Development Considerations
2.2.3 Summary of Material Extrusion Opportunities in Personalized Surgery
2.2.4 Relevant Players in Extrusion 3D Printing for Medical Applications Leapfrog Rize Stratasys CEL
2.3 Material Jetting
2.3.1 Developments in Low Cost Material Jetting Systems
2.3.2 Relevant Material and Development Considerations
2.3.3 Summary of Material Jetting Opportunities in Personalized Surgery
2.3.4 Relevant Players in Material Jetting 3D Printing for Medical Applications Stratasys 3D Systems
2.4 Binder Jetting
2.4.1 Developments in Low-Cost Binder Jetting Systems
2.4.2 Relevant Material and Development Considerations
2.4.3 Summary of Binder Jetting Opportunities in Personalized Surgery
2.5 Polymer Powder Bed Fusion
2.5.1 Viability of Polymer Powder Bed Fusion in Personalized Surgery
2.5.2 Relevant Material and Development Considerations
2.5.3 Summary of Powder Bed Fusion Opportunities in Personalized Surgery
2.5.4 Relevant Players in Polymer Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printing for Medical Applications 3D Systems EOS Formlabs Prodways
2.6 Other Processes – Lamination
2.6.1 Viability of Lamination Technologies in Personalized Surgery
2.7 3D Printing Software and Personalized Surgery
2.7.1 Workflow for Personalized Surgery and the Role of 3D Printing Software
2.7.2 Segmentation Using Software Shown as a Bottleneck to Adoption of 3D Printing for Personalized Surgery
2.7.3 Leading Providers of Medical 3D Printing Software for Personalized Surgery Materialise 3D Systems Embodi3D
2.8 Key Points from this Chapter
Chapter Three: Opportunity Analysis of 3D- Printed Medical Models
3.1 Extracting Value from 3D-Printed Medical Models
3.1.1 Reduction of Overall Costs Resulting from Printed Anatomical Models
3.1.2 Secondary Benefits of Printed Anatomical Models
3.1.3 Relevant Successful Case Studies in 2017
3.1.4 Establishing the 3D-Printed Medical Model Value Hierarchy
3.2 Exploring Medical Modeling Opportunities by Functionality and Medical Procedure
3.2.1 Surgical Planning Models Maxillofacial Models Cranial Models Cardiovascular Models Spinal Models Other Emerging Model Types – Kidney, Liver, Hip, and Beyond
3.2.2 Models for Communication with Patients or Other Medical Professionals
3.2.3 Models for Teaching and Training of Medical Professionals Outside of the Operating Room
3.2.4 Models for the Testing of Medical Devices
3.3 Integration of 3D Printing for Medical Modeling into Primary Healthcare Environments
3.4 Service Provider Business Models and Providers for Medical Modeling
3.4.1 Relevant Players and Service Providers Specializing in 3D-Printed Medical Models Axial3D Materialise Medical Modeling (3D Systems)
3.5 Challenges for Medical Modeling Applications and Printing
3.6 Outlook and Penetration Analysis for 3D-Printed Medical Models
3.7 Key Points from This Chapter
Chapter Four: Opportunity Analysis of 3D- Printed Surgical Guides and Tools
4.1 Defining the Role of 3D Printed Surgical Guides and Tools
4.1.1 Value Proposition for Use of Printed Guides and Tools Integration with Printed Implants for True Personalized Surgery
4.1.2 Supporting Case Studies for Custom Printed Surgical Tools
4.2 Exploring Surgical Guide Opportunities by Healthcare Segment and Procedure
4.2.1 Surgical Guides for Medical Applications Surgical Cutting and Pinning Guides for Total Knee Replacement Surgery Craniomaxillofacial Surgical Guides Hip & Spine Surgical Guides Other Guides – Osteotomies and More
4.2.2 Surgical Guides for Dental Applications
4.3 Business Models and Integration Strategies for 3D- Printed Surgical Guides and Tools
4.4 Challenges for Printed Surgical Guide and Tool Applications
4.5 Outlook and Penetration Analysis for 3D-Printed Surgical Guides and Tools
4.6 Key Points from This Chapter
Chapter Five: Ten-Year Opportunity Forecasts for 3D Print-Enabled Personalized Surgery
5.1 Discussion of Methodology and Assumptions
5.2 Contextual Medical 3D Printing Opportunities and Personal Surgery Market Data
5.3 3D Printing Hardware Market Opportunities in Personal Surgery Segment
5.4 3D Print Material Opportunities Resulting from Personal Surgery Applications
5.5 Other Opportunities in 3D-Printed Personal Surgery Market – Services and Software
5.5.1 Medical 3D Printing Software Opportunities
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Acronyms and Abbreviations Used In this Report
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 1-1: Illustration of 3D Print Enabled Personalized Surgery Application Segments
Exhibit 1-2: Summary of Current and Future Healthcare Segments for 3D Print Enabled Personalized Surgery
Exhibit 1-3: Total Projected Medical 3D Printing Revenues, by Opportunity Type, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 1-4: Total Projected Printer Revenues in Medical 3D Printing, by Classification, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 1-5: Total Weighted Average Selling Price of Polymer 3D Printers (All Technologies), 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 1-6: Projected Outsourced Printing Rates for Personalized Surgery Applications, by Application Group, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 1-7: Total Projected 3D Printed Personal Surgery Segment Revenue Opportunities, by Category, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 2-1: Comparison of Vat Photopolymerization Unit Sales to Various Personal Surgery Segments, by System Classification, 2015-2027(e)
Exhibit 2-2: Summary of Competitive Analysis for Vat Photopolymerization in 3D Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 2-3: Total Projected Material Extrusion Printer Sales to Personal Surgery Market, by Classification, 2014-2027(e) (excludes dental)
Exhibit 2-4: Summary of Competitive Analysis for Material Extrusion in 3D Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 2-5: 2016 Market Share in Medical 3D Printers, Material Jetting Systems, by Vendor
Exhibit 2-6: Summary of Competitive Analysis for Material Jetting in 3D Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 2-7: Summary of Competitive Analysis for Binder Jetting in 3D Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 2-8: Summary of Competitive Analysis for Powder Bed Fusion in 3D Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 2-9: Summary of Competitive Analysis for Laminated Object Manufacturing in 3D-Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 2-10: Sample Medical Device 3D Printing Workflow
Exhibit 2-11: Software Workflow for 3D Printed Personal Surgery Applications
Exhibit 3-1: Primary Summary of Value Propositions for Printed Anatomical Models
Exhibit 3-2: Expected Total Production Costs of 3D Printed Anatomical Models for Primary Production Scenarios, by Model Type, 2016-2027(e)
Exhibit 3-3: Value Hierarchy of 3D-Printed Anatomical Models and Physical Characteristics
Exhibit 3-4: Projected Annual 3D Printed Anatomical Model Volume for Maxillofacial Surgery, 2014-2027 (e)
Exhibit 3-5: Projected Annual 3D Printed Anatomical Model Volume for Cranial Procedures, 2014-2027 (e)
Exhibit 3-6: Projected Annual 3D Printed Anatomical Model Volume for Heart Related Procedures, 2014-2027 (e)
Exhibit 3-7: Projected Annual 3D Printed Anatomical Model Volume for Spine Related Procedures, 2014-2027 (e)
Exhibit 3-8: Projected Annual 3D Printed Anatomical Model Volume for Other Procedures, 2014-2027 (e)
Exhibit 3-9: Summary of Medical Modeling Applications by Functionality
Exhibit 3-10: Summary of Challenges in Current 3DP Medical Model Market
Exhibit 3-11: Total Aggregated 3D Printed Medical Model Volume, by Category, 2014-2027 (e)
Exhibit 4-1: Summary of Potential Benefits and Value Proposition of 3D Printed Surgical Guides and Instrumentation
Exhibit 4-2: Projected Production Volume of 3D-Printed Patient Specific Implants
Exhibit 4-3: Commercial Support for Printed Surgical Guides in Total Knee Replacement
Exhibit 4-4: Projected Manufacturing Volume of Printed Surgical Guides for Knee Related Procedures, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 4-5: Rendering of CMF Surgical Cutting Guide
Exhibit 4-6: Projected Manufacturing Volume of Printed Surgical Guides for CMF Procedures, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 4-7: Projected Manufacturing Volume of Printed Surgical Guides for Hip Procedures, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 4-8: Projected Manufacturing Volume of Printed Surgical Guides for Spine Procedures, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 4-9: Projected Manufacturing Volume of Printed Surgical Guides for Other Procedures, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 4-10: Projected Manufacturing Volume of Printed Surgical Guides for Dental Implants, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 4-11: Total Global Projected 3D Printed Surgical Guide and Tool Production Volume, all Segments (excluding Dental), 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-1: Comparison of Total Medical AM/3DP Revenue Opportunities, by Category, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-2: Total Projected 3DP Personal Surgery Revenue Opportunities, by Region, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-3: Projected Hardware Revenue for 3DP Personal Surgery Applications, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-4: Projected Hardware Unit Sales for 3DP Personal Surgery Applications, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-5: Projected Hardware Install Base for 3DP Personal Surgery Applications, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-6: Projected 3D Print Material Revenues Resulting from Printed Personal Surgery Applications, by Material Family, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-7: Projected 3D Print Material Shipments Resulting from Printed Personal Surgery Applications, by Material Family, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-8: Aggregated Forecasted Revenue Opportunity for Print Materials Used in Personal Surgery Applications, by Stakeholder, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-9: Projected Print Services Revenues in Personal Surgery Applications, by Region, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-10: Projected Print Services Revenues in Personal Surgery Applications, by Specific Application Type, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-11: Projected Print Services Revenues in Personal Surgery Applications, by Application Group, 2014-2027(e)
Exhibit 5-12: Projected 3D Printing Software Opportunities in Personalized Surgery, by Tool Type, 2014-2027(e)
3D printing technology has been a major revolution in the field of medicine primarily for its ability to much more effectively and easily create objects of a complex and detailed geometry with no significant additional cost concerns from one object to the next. Combined with medical imaging systems and digital conversion software, 3D printing has grown to become a critical tool for advancing personalized care in both medical and dental markets.
Through the past two decades, 3D printing technology has been applied to surgical practice to redefine the concept of personalized surgery in the production of realistic anatomical models and single use surgical cutting, pinning, and drilling guides based on real patient data. Today, the combination of these and other personal 3D printed devices are reducing surgical times and associated costs, while improving the outcome for patients.
This report is the only study of trends in medical 3D printing related specifically to the evolving use of 3DP in personalized surgery for next generation surgical treatment. This study provides:
- Coverage of the two primary 3D printing applications revolutionizing surgical practice – anatomical models and patient specific surgical guides and tools
- A comprehensive analysis of the key evolutions in these application areas and their ongoing integration into hospitals and primary care environments, leading to continued investment by healthcare networks into in-house 3D printing technology
- Analysis of the value proposition, current medical research, and business models for both insured and outsourced production of specific subsegments, including cranillomaxillofacial, knee, hip, spine, and more
- Ten year market forecasts for hardware, material, print services, and software directly related to the use of printed personal surgical devices and models, including breakouts by print technology, material class, production volume by device type, services value by segment, and more
- Profiles of leading competitors and providers for medical 3D printing services and machine developers relevant for medical 3D printing for anatomical models and surgical guides
- Penetration analysis of various specific applications in 3D printed personal surgery devices
Additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies are extremely well positioned in the healthcare segment to bring disruptive value to medical care, and as the only production process capable of producing truly patient specific devices, its use does not face the same degree of technical challenges often cited as barriers to adoption in other industries. This study identifies where the money will be made and lost as these trends play out. It will be vital reading not only for executives in the 3D printing/additive manufacturing space, but also for marketing and product managers at companies in the medical materials, medical device and healthcare industries.